Monday, November 12, 2007

Building something just for the heck of it

Bored couple of days, I decided to use some of the balsa I had lying round to make something with it. I was originally thinking about "Geodes which are essentially rock cavities or vugs with internal crystal formations or concentric banding."(wikipedia) They look like a common rock from the outside and not until they are cut in half you can see the contrasting crystal surface inside. I tried to accomplish something similar with the needles and the balsa by pointing everything inwards.


enno said...


This is a beautiful idea as long as you don't use it for an accupuncture studio. Everything else would work, if you thought about the needles as controlled light (laser, prisma, etc) entering through a perforated membrane.


Carlos said...

Thank Enno,
That would be cool if these were rays of light going through holes in the skin creating an interesting pattern. Like you said it could be lasers, that would make it easier to see it. Otherwis if it were to be natural light you almost want to introduce another element where the light reflects and defines itself as a form. Maybe a mist of water, that would create almost like you mentioned before a prisma effect with a rainbow of colors. Of course this is not a building, this is merely conceptual.

babloo said...

happy anniversary didi and jiju
anniversary wishes for di and jiju